Navratri Navami Shakti Peeth Special Maa Kamakhya Tantrokta Maha Yagya To Achieve Bliss in Relationship and Resolve Conflicts
Navratri Navami Shakti Peeth Special Maa Kamakhya Tantrokta Maha Yagya To Achieve Bliss in Relationship and Resolve Conflicts
Navratri Navami Shakti Peeth Special Maa Kamakhya Tantrokta Maha Yagya To Achieve Bliss in Relationship and Resolve Conflicts
Navratri Navami Shakti Peeth Special Maa Kamakhya Tantrokta Maha Yagya To Achieve Bliss in Relationship and Resolve Conflicts
Navratri Navami Shakti Peeth Special Maa Kamakhya Tantrokta Maha Yagya To Achieve Bliss in Relationship and Resolve Conflicts
Navratri Navami Shakti Peeth Special Maa Kamakhya Tantrokta Maha Yagya To Achieve Bliss in Relationship and Resolve Conflicts
Navratri Navami Shakti Peeth Special Maa Kamakhya Tantrokta Maha Yagya To Achieve Bliss in Relationship and Resolve Conflicts

Maa Kamakhya Tantrokta Maha Yagya

To Achieve Bliss in Relationship and Resolve Conflicts
temple venue
Shakti Peeth Maa Kamakhya Temple, Guwahati, Assam
pooja date
Warning InfoBookings has been closed for this Puja
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Navratri Navami Shakti Peeth Special Maa Kamakhya Tantrokta Maha Yagya To Achieve Bliss in Relationship and Resolve Conflicts

The Navratri Navami Shakti Peeth Special Maa Kamakhya Tantrokta Maha Yagya is being conducted at one of the most well-known Tantra-Sadhana sites in India, Shakti Peeth Maa Kamakhya Temple, in Assam’s Guwahati. If you're grappling with relationship issues, lack of affection, conflicts in marriage, financial troubles or persistent health challenges, participate in this puja scheduled for April 17, 2024. Seek blessings from Maa Kameshwari through Sri Mandir to dispel negativity and overcome obstacles hindering your path to love, happiness, peace and prosperity.

Puja Benefits

puja benefits
Blissful Marital Life and Other Relationships
This puja brings harmony and strengthens emotional bonds in relationships, fostering a positive and loving atmosphere. It increases romance, passion and virility, and helps you find a desired match. It aids in conceiving children too.
puja benefits
Resolution of Conflicts in Relationships
Participating in this puja will help you sort out differences, misunderstandings and conflicts with your spouse or partner, creating a more fulfilling relationship.
puja benefits
Wealth and Prosperity
Worshipping at the Maa Kamakhya Temple helps in attracting wealth and success into your life. It removes all hurdles in your career and allows you to excel in it. Consequently, you shall be free from all financial burdens.
puja benefits
Good Health
If you are suffering from health-related problems, especially terminal diseases like cancer, Maa Kamakhya will cure you of ill health and bless you with strength and vigour.

Puja Process


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On Puja Day

Experienced pandits will perform the Vedic Puja and updates will be provided on your WhatsApp number.

Puja Video and Teerth Prashad Delivery

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Shakti Peeth Maa Kamakhya Temple,Guwahati, Assam

Shakti Peeth Maa Kamakhya Temple,Guwahati, Assam
Nestled in the lap of Nilachal Hills is Shakti Peeth Maa Kamakhya Temple in Assam in Northeast India. Shaktism is a branch of Hinduism that pivots around the idea of worshipping Shakti or Devi, the divine feminine power. The Kamakhya Temple is one of the 51 Shakti Peethas, especially known for the practice of Tantra. The Shakti Peethas are sacred spots where parts of the body of Goddess Sati fell during the mythological episode of Lord Shiva's Tandava following her self-immolation.

Shakti Peeth Maa Kamakhya Temple is where Her ‘Yoni’ (womb or vagina) fell. Therefore, this pilgrimage site is associated with desires, relationships, fertility and marital life. She is worshipped here in the form of a stone (supposedly her ‘Yoni) that is kept moist all the year round in the ‘Garbhagriha’ or the sanctum sanctorum.

In the month of June, the Goddess bleeds or menstruates. During this time of the year, the Brahmaputra river near the Kamakhya Temple turns red. The Ambubachi Mela also takes place here around this time. She, being the Goddess of Desires, blesses her devotees with love, marital bliss, health, wealth and happiness, fulfilling all their wishes.

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