Mahalaya Amavasya Pitru Paksha, Dates, Rituals, Significance

Mahalaya Amavasya Pitru Paksha

Discover how this day honors ancestors through prayers and offerings

What is Mahalaya Amavasya Pitru Paksha

Mahalaya Amavasya, also known as Pitru Moksha Amavasya or Sarvapitre Amavasya, is an important day in the Hindu calendar dedicated to the worship of ancestors. The day marks the end of the 15 days of Pitru Paksha, in which Hindus perform various rituals to honour their deceased relatives.

Mahalaya Amavasya Meaning

The word "Mahalaya" is derived from two Sanskrit words: "maha," meaning great, and "alaya," meaning dwelling or house. Thus, Mahalaya is considered the "great dwelling" where devotees come to receive blessings from their ancestors. This day is considered particularly influential, helping ancestors attain moksha and be freed from the cycle of rebirth.

Mahalaya Paksha in Sculptures

According to Garuda Purana, performing Shraddha during Mahalaya Paksha brings peace and blessings to the souls of ancestors. This ensures their peaceful journey to the advanced spiritual world.

The souls of the three previous generations of a person's ancestors reside in Pitriloka, which is believed to be a place between heaven and earth. According to the Puranas, Yama, the god of death, takes the soul of the deceased person from Earth to this region.

Devotees perform various rituals on the day of Mahalaya Amavasya, such as tarpana (offering of water and food) and pind daan (offering of rice balls). These rituals are performed to express gratitude to the ancestors and seek their blessings, to attain prosperity, protection, and overall well-being.

Mahalaya Amavasya Pitru Paksha Staring and End Date

Mahalaya Amavasya in 2024 will be observed on October 2nd. However, it’s tithi will start from October 1st but performing Pitru Paksha rituals at night is prohibited.

Amavasya Tithi Timings:

  • Amavasya Tithi Start: 09:39 PM on 01 October 2024
  • Amavasya Tithi End: 12:19 AM on 03 October 2024

Other Muhurats:

  • Kutup Muhurat: 11:52 AM - 12:39 PM (Duration: 47 minutes)
  • Rohini Muhurat: 12:39 PM - 01:26 PM (Duration: 47 minutes)
  • Aparahna Kaal: 01:26 PM - 03:48 PM (Duration: 2 hours 22 minutes)

Kuputra Muhurat

Kuputra Muhurat is considered inauspicious for rituals on Mahalaya Amavasya. One should avoid performing any important rituals during this time.

Rohini Muhurat

Rohini Muhurat is an auspicious time on Mahalaya Amavasya. On October 02, Rohini Muhurat lasts for 47 minutes. This time is considered very auspicious for performing rituals that honour ancestors.

Aparahna Muhurat

Aparahna Muhurat refers to the afternoon time on Mahalaya Amavasya day. On October 02, this Muhurat lasts for 2 hours and 22 minutes. It is not as auspicious as Rohini Muhurat, but is still considered a good time to perform rituals for ancestors.

Mahalaya Amavasya Puja Rituals

To ensure the peaceful journey of your ancestors, it’s essential to follow these rituals with the sincerity and in correct manner as follows:

  • Wake up early on Mahalaya Purnima day and complete the morning rituals. Wear yellow clothes on this day.
  • Invite your ancestors to accept your offerings and bless your family.
  • Mantras to invite ancestors:

Gacchantu Dwitiya Putra Pitar Somap Poora Gacchantu Dwitiya Putra Pitar Somap Poora Gacchantu Vive Deva Sarva Lokapi Man Gacchantu Vive Deva Sarva Lokapi Man

  • Place the image or idol of your ancestor and light a lamp or diya and flowers to the ancestors’ idol. Wear a sacred thread (Janayu) on your right shoulder as a mark of respect.
  • Offer water, sesame seeds and prayers for tarpana, especially near rivers, ponds or other water sources, while chanting holy mantras.
  • Mantra while offering water:

Apavitrah pavitro va sarva vastam gatoepi va Apavitrah pavitro va sarva vastam gatopi va Yah smretpundarikaksham sa bahyam bahyantarh shuchih Yah smretpundarikaksham sa bahyam bahyantarah shuchih

  • Offer cooked rice balls with black sesame seeds and ghee to the spirits of ancestors, named Pindas.
  • Mantra while offering the pindas:

Pitribhyo namastubhyam svadhyaya preetaye Pitribhoya namastubhyam svadhyaya preetaye Pinda grahanatu me pitarh sukhaay Pinda grahanatu me pitarah sukhaay

  • Offer specially prepared food to Brahmins and animals like cows and crows because they are the messengers of your ancestors.
  • After completing the puja, offer food, clothes and Dakshina (money) to the Brahmin.

Mahalaya Amavasya Signinficace

Mahalaya Amavasya hols great significance in Hindu tradition as it teaches us to respect our elders and show gratitude towards their deeds.

Here are other signifiance of this sacred day:

  • The rituals of shraddha and tarpan are considered very important on Mahalaya Amavasya. Performing these rituals helps the family to restore their ancestor's souls to peace and a better place.
  • The day begins with early morning prayers and recitation of Mahalaya mantras, especially the Mahishasura Mardini Strota. This Mantra narrates the story of Goddess Durga’s victory symbolizes the victory of good over evil.
  • The rituals and donations performed on this day not only benefit the souls of the dead but also bring Punya to the living family members. This brings prosperity, peace and well-being to the family.
  • The main purpose of the rituals performed on Mahalaya Amavasya is to grant Moksha to the souls of the ancestors. These rituals release them from the cycle of birth and death so that, their souls can attain eternal peace.
  • Mahalaya Amavasya is associated with the arrival of Goddess Durga to earth from her divine realm, which marks the beginning of the Durga Puja Festival. This day signals the beginning of the festival, which is celebrated with various rituals and ceremonies.
  • This day is also an auspicious time to see forgiveness from ancestors. Seeking forgiveness for any sin or mistake keeps freeing the family from negative Karma and gives peace to the ancestors.
  • According to astrology, if the ancestors have committed any mistake, then their descendants may have “Pitra Dosha” in their horoscope. This can cause difficulties and bad events in their lives. The souls of ancestors who do not find peace keep wandering in search of peace. Therefore performing rituals on Mahalaya Amavasya removes their problems and gives relief to the dead and their descendants.

Mahalaya Amavasya: FAQs

Que1. Which god to pray on Mahalaya Amavasya? Ans. You should worship Swadha Devi on Mahalaya Amavasya because she helps your ancestors attain satisfaction and salvation in Pitru Loka. Also, chant the name of Lord Shiva and Vishnu for your ancestors.

Que2. What is prohibited during Pitru Paksha? Ans. Many activities are considered inauspicious during Pitru Paksha. It is important to follow the following prohibitions to maintain the sanctity of this holy time:

  • Shopping for new clothes, shoes or luxury items is considered inauspicious during this period.
  • Abstain from organizing auspicious ceremonies such as weddings or engagements.
  • Do not consume meat, eggs or fish during Pitru Paksha.
  • Drinking alcohol is considered disrespectful towards the ancestors and is completely forbidden.
  • Purchasing a new house, vehicle or any major asset is considered inauspicious during this period.

Que3. What happens if someone dies on Mahalaya Amavasya? Ans. If someone dies on Mahalaya Amavasya, Hinduism considers it very auspicious. This duration helps the soul attain moksha or liberation from rebirth because a person's soul receives blessings, making their final journey peaceful.

श्री मंदिर द्वारा आयोजित आने वाली पूजाएँ

देखें आज का पंचांग

कैसा रहेगा आपका आज का दिन?
कैसा रहेगा आपका आज का दिन?

श्री मंदिर ने श्रध्दालुओ, पंडितों, और मंदिरों को जोड़कर भारत में धार्मिक सेवाओं को लोगों तक पहुँचाया है। 50 से अधिक प्रसिद्ध मंदिरों के साथ साझेदारी करके, हम विशेषज्ञ पंडितों द्वारा की गई विशेष पूजा और चढ़ावा सेवाएँ प्रदान करते हैं और पूर्ण की गई पूजा विधि का वीडियो शेयर करते हैं।


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